Who this course is for: PICTURE is for New Zealand based producers with a feature film at an advanced stage of development – and for emerging filmmakers wanting to understand the path ahead.


Course summary: PICTURE is about the art and science of marketing and releasing a film in cinemas. In a series of workshops, you will be introduced to the elements of a successful cinema release strategy. You will work with experts in distribution, cinema exhibition, sales, marketing, design, impact producing, publicity and festival strategy.

While the focus for PICTURE is narrative feature films, feature documentaries may also be considered.

During the course, working with advice and feedback from our experts, you’ll develop a creative and practical plan for the cinema release of your film. 

There are 8 places available for producers with a film in advanced development. Creative teams may apply. There are also 6 observer places available for emerging filmmakers. Entry is by a 3-minute pitch over Zoom. 


Here’s what previous participants have said about PICTURE:

The course was fantastic. Pitching each week to different segments of the industry made you see the project through their eyes. It also made you think about what was essential in your pitch – the things that mattered and things that didn’t.

Thanks for a great course. We’re coming out much stronger than going in. Pitching directly to exhibitors was a revelation and a reminder that the gatekeepers at the other end are just as important as those further upstream!

The Picture learning experience is a fantastic opportunity – one that I can’t recommend highly enough. Anyone lucky enough to do it must grab it with both hands.

I thoroughly enjoyed the course – it was a really encouraging, caring and safe environment and has probably done more for my development in a few months than years of just trying to do it.


What you’ll get: • Access to highly relevant film industry data and expertise.

• Dedicated time to develop your thinking about how to find a cinema audience for your film.

• The opportunity to pitch your film’s release plan to a panel of film industry specialists for their feedback.

• The ability to communicate your coals coherently and persuasively, through pitch practice – lots of pitch practice!

Throughout the course, you will work on a strategic document and action plan to drive the successful release of your film.


Program Partners: Vista Foundation and Share The Knowledge. With support from New Zealand Film Commission.


Program Format: A series of 9 x 3 hour workshops delivered in Auckland and online via Zoom.


Enrolment Closes: Dates TBA. For further information email [email protected].